No School Next Week
There will be no school on Monday, January 18th and Tuesday, January 19th for Martin Luther King Jr day and teacher professional development day, respectively.
PTO Updates
There will be a PTO meeting this Tuesday, January 12th at 7pm
Boxtops for Education (on many food containers) are still being collected for the next contest! Make sure they are not expired and labeled with student and teacher name.
International Night
Is Friday, January 29th from 6-8pm! Come and bring a dish to share or host a table that represents your culture or nationality! Email to host a table
The deadline for registering for the all elementary spelling bee is this Friday, January 15th! Teachers are talking to students about the bee and explaining how to get a team together to register. The registration information is here http://jrlowellpto.
Annual PTO Auction
We've officially started our 2016 Silent Auction Solicitations.
For those that are new to the Lowell, the PTO holds an annual silent auction in the Spring, our biggest fundraiser of the year. We solicit donations from a wide range of businesses and service providers throughout not only Watertown, but New England. In the past we've offered ski tickets, restaurant gift cards, museum passes, sporting event tickets, theater passes, vacation stays, principal for the day, the list goes on and on. The auction is a highly anticipated event due to the items we offer.
How It Works:
In March we host an online silent auction, where anyone (not just Lowell families) can bid on the items listed. Everything is done online, once the auction ends we will have a designated day/time/location to come pick up your items. Be on the lookout in February for the auction site URL and more details on how it works.
When Is It?
The auction will run March 1st through March 12th. We will send home firm dates and information as the time draws near.
Where Does The Money Go?
All proceeds go to the Lowell PTO. Being our biggest fundraiser of the year this money helps us fund all the various family events, student scholarships, teacher assistance and reimbursement, class/grade level subscriptions, various enrichment programs, support school events and so much more.
You Can Donate:
You may be asking what would be something I could donate? Anything is the answer, but here are some ideas (please note these are just examples we are open to your creativity and generosity):
If you own a business and would like to donate a service (IE hair salon you can give a free hair cut or gift card, Tax Accountant you could donate a 2016 tax preparation, Photographer you could donate a family session, Estate Lawyer you could donate an estate planning session etc).
If you have some gift cards laying around you don't plan on using or just want to get a gift card to donate
Have sporting event tickets, theater tickets, any tickets dated after March 15th.
Help solicit or network for the event. The auction is only successful because of the tireless efforts of our Auction Team that are soliciting to get these great items. We ask that if you go to a restaurant, or get your hair cut, or nails done, or to the barber, or dry cleaners, or get an oil change...anything to please mention our auction and ask if they'd be willing to donate. We have a letter written that outlines the auction and also provides our tax ID that you can download here. We will also furnish receipts for donations.
Help be a part of the success of our largest and most anticipated fundraiser by contacting Mary Lynds or Sarah Zengo or with your donation!!
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